Clarks enjoy the ‘brilliant’ hit musical Hamilton!
Lovely to see one of my longest-standing Lamont families all together having fun in London’s West End!
Christie, Evie and Verity are always a delight – as is Mum Kerry! Glad you enjoyed the show at the Victoria Palace Theatre.

Double Delight in Lytham!
Lamont pupils Jack and Henry (9) were representing Lamont School of Speech and Drama at the recent Lytham Festival of Performing Arts.
Jack came 1st in Verse Speaking and 2nd in Prose Reading. Henry came 1st in Prose Reading and 3rd in Verse Speaking.

Proud of you both boys!
Distinctions for all!
Congratulations to pupils who recently sat their LAMDA examinations. All pupils gained the top mark of Distinction. What an excellent achievement!
A special mention to Agsheyan who achieved 93 for Grade 5 and Josh who gained 92 for Grade 7 and to Matilda who has completed her LAMDA journey and who gained Distinction for every exam!
The following pupils got Distinctions :-
Speaking of Verse and Prose
Solo Introductory Stage 2 Vidusshi
Grade 1 Thanushka
Grade 2 Luxsai, Alice and Fin
Grade 5 Agsheyan, Emma
Grade 6 Kisaan
Grade 7 Josh
Grade 8 Matilda and Vaishana
Fantastic Fleetwood!
Lamont School of Speech and Drama entered 12 classes in FLEETWOOD FESTIVAL 2022 and we won nine 1sts, five 2nds and five 3rds
1st prize winners were:
VERSE SPEAKING (8 & 9 years) Henry Shannon
COMIC VERSE (9-11 years) Freddie Thomason

OWN CHOICE VERSE (11 and under) Martha Last

OWN CHOICE VERSE (12-16 years) Serafina Campolucci-Bordi
MEMORISED PROSE (10 & 11 years) Martha Last
MEMORISED PROSE (12 & 13 years) Serafina Campolucci-Bordi
SOLO ACT (10 years) Martha Last
SOLO ACT (13 years) Serafina Campolucci-Bordi

DUOLOGUE (11 year and under) Emilia Guy and Skylar Davies

Martha and Serafina also won best in Festival for Verse Speaking (Serafina) and Acting (Martha).
Fabulous results! WELL DONE TO YOU ALL!
There were more amazing results from the FLEETWOOD ONLINE FESTIVAL. Lamont School of Speech and Drama entered 16 classes and won 15 of them!
So proud of you all!
The 1st places went to:
VERSE SPEAKING (Set – 12 and 13 years) Amelie Henderson
VERSE SPEAKING (Own choice – 12 and 13 (years) Verity Clark
COMIC VERSE (12 and 13 years) Evie Clark
VERSE SPEAKING (Set – open) Victoria Osborne
VERSE SPEAKING (Own choice – open) Victoria Osborne
MEMORISED PROSE (12 and 13 years) Gabriel Osborne
PREPARED PROSE (12 and 13 years) Gabriel Osborne
MEMORISED PROSE (14 and 15 years) Evie Clark
MEMORISED PROSE (Open) Victoria Osborne
SOLO ACT (12 and 13 years) Amelie Henderson
SOLO ACT (14 and 15 years) Orlando Campolucci-Bordi
SONNET (12-15 years) Evie Clark
SHAKESPEARE (Under 16 years) Evie Clark

Bay Jaworski also won a RISING STAR AWARD. Congratulations to everyone who took part!
Isla stars in new James Cordon TV Series
Following 11-year-old Isla Gie’s successful 6-month run as Matilda in the hit West End show, our very talented 11-year-old can be seen on TV this week in James Corden’s new Amazon Prime comedy.
Isla, stars as James Corden’s character’s daughter Greta, in his new series MAMMALS, from Friday, November 11th.

MAMMALS follows the story of Jamie (JAMES CORDEN), a Michelin star chef whose world implodes when he discovers shocking secrets about his pregnant wife, Amandine (MELIA KREILLING). Jamie finds himself hunting for answers with the help of his brother-in-law Jeff (COLIN MORGAN).
Mammals is a six-part series written by two-time Olivier and Tony Award-winning JEZ BUTTERWORTH. It is a comedy drama about the complexities of marriage: there is sadness, grief, tension, love, friendship, betrayal, and a touch of magical realism.
When the consequences of all of their actions come to light, the revelations send shockwaves through both families. In this thrilling ride through the lies they hide in their relationships; secrets are revealed, and nothing is what it seems.

The previews and reviews of the series have been positive with The Telegraph describing the series as “a quality comedy drama….very, very funny”. The Daily Mail picked out Isla’s role as “being criminally under-developed”.
Says Mrs. Lamont: “As Isla’s Grandma I am probably as bit biased but along with so many of my other pupils, she produces exceptional work. At her LAMDA lessons via skype she gets the same constructive feedback as I would give any of my pupils. She really is a joy to teach because of her work ethic and, of course, her talent. I can’t wait to see her in Mammals!”
Isla appears in episodes 2, 3 and 5 of the series.
Superhero Campbell on TV
Congratulations to Lamont Drama and Casting Agency superstar 10-year-old Campbell Gie.
Campbell, who lives in Hemel Hempstead near London and has his LAMDA lessons via Skype, is a featured artiste on the new Christmas Superheroes advert from Smyths Toys.
Campbell bursts onto the screen at the start of the ad as Marvel’s Captain America. He gives his best steely superhero look to camera as he raises his shield and says: “Let’s Suit Up.”

Campbell shot the advert over two days earlier this year and had a great time. However, he says the best bit about the whole experience was: “I got to keep the outfit and the shield.”
Well done Campbell – a very convincing Superhero!
Tori Lights Up The Stage
One of our all-time favourite former pupils Tori Hargreaves is wowing audiences across the Northwest.
Over Half-Term, Tori lit up the stage with her larger-than-life personality and superb comic timing in a half-term pantomime production at Liverpool’s Epstein Theatre. Tori played her first ever ‘baddie’ role as the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz. Although anyone who knows Tori, knows she would be drawing on her fantastic acting skills as she’s one of the nicest people we know!

However, Tori relished finding her ‘wicked’ side and said: ” I have absolutely LOVED playing a baddie for the first time! Getting booed is strangely satisfying”, she laughed.

The comedy continues for Tori as she appears in Rita, Sue & Bob Too! at St Helens Theatre Royal from November 8th-13th. Tori stars alongside Michael Parr, Jamie Greer and the brilliant Crissy Rock. An extra show has been added due to popular demand.

Go Tori!
Success at Southport Festival!
What a weekend! I was so proud of every single performer at the Southport Festival 2022. You did me, the Lamont School, yourselves and your families proud!

It was so rewarding watching you give your all in the verse speaking, prose reading, solo acting and duologue classes. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as the audience and, of course, the adjudicators!

We entered 22 classes and got 1st places in 15 classes, second place in 16 classes and third place in 5 classes. All your hard work really paid off! Huge congratulations to you all!

The results were as follows:-
SOUTHPORT FESTIVAL RESULTS 2022 – 22 classes entered – 15 x 1sts 16 x 2nds and 5 x 3rds
Under 10
1st Joseph 2nd Jack 3rd Henry
Under 12a
2nd Freddie 3rd Skylar
Under 12B
1st Martha 3rd Clara
Under 13
1st Serafina
Under 14
1st Verity 2nd Gabriel
Under 16
1st Evie 2nd Orlando
Under 18
1st Orlando 2nd Emily
Under 10
1st Joseph 2nd Taron
Under 12a
2nd Emilia
Under 12b
1st Clara 2nd Martha
Under 14
2nd Gabriel 3rd Chayil
Under 16
1st Evie
Under 10
1st Joseph
Under 12
2nd Martha 3rd Emilia
Under 14
1st Verity 2nd Serafina
Under 16
2nd Evie and Orlando
16 and over
1st Ellie
Under 10
1st Joseph & Taron
Under 12
2nd Clara & Martha
Under 14
2nd Freddie & Gabriel
Under 16
1st Evie and Verity
1st Evie 2nd Verity & Gabriel

Super Seven At Their Best!
Congratulations to the seven pupils who took part in the recent International Oratory Festival.
The Super Seven – Clara, Gabriel, Amelie, Serafina, Bay, Orlando and Evie – entered 10 classes and won five 1sts, six 2nds and eight 3rds.
Special mention to Gabriel and Orlando who were the winners of the Exceptional Achievement Award for multi-disciplinary Excellence!
Best in the Festival and winner of the Jubilee Shield went to …..drumroll….Evie. Well done Evie!

Gabriel successfully auditions for YEP!
Huge congratulations to 13-year-old Gabriel Osborne! He recently successfully auditioned for the Young Everyman Playhouse.

Since its launch in 2012, Young Everyman Playhouse (YEP) has provided opportunities for young people aged 13-25, no matter their circumstances. Across six different strands, YEP encourages the young people to see theatre in a new light by asking them to create many exciting experiences for different audiences.
Previous Young Everyman Playhouse members, who all have to successfully audition, are now applying to drama schools, bidding for funding for their own projects, pressing for work experience among our team and joining with other groups locally and nationally to programme and create work.
Gabriel will attend weekly classes YEP to develop his acting skills. The sessions are led by experienced theatre practitioners and occasional masterclasses with national and international companies. Working as part of an ensemble, Gabriel will create a show to be performed at the Everyman.
Gabriel’s mum Victoria said: It is really exciting for Gabriel. He will get the chance to devise, work with text and explore the workings of a regional theatre. He can’t wait to get started.”
Gabriel’s recent solo success follows a great ‘partnership’ run with friend Freddie Thomason. Gabriel and Freddie perform their duologues together and have been a great hit at recent festivals! They attend the same Saturday morning drama class at Formby High School and have both had Distinctions for all their LAMDA exams.
Says Mrs. Lamont: “They’re a tour de force! Both equally talented and a joy to teach!”